热轧钢板经过一定浓度及温度的盐酸的酸槽时,钢板表面的氧化铁皮与盐酸发生一系列的化学反应,使氧化铁皮得以溶解,最终获得无锈的、光洁的钢板。 Hot rolled steel plates after a certain concentration and temperature of hydrochloric acid tank, scale on the surface of the steel plate with hydrochloric acid in a series of chemical reactions, tobe dissolved , ultimately rustless , bright and clean steel.
酸洗板的用途Pickling board uses
汽车行业Auto industry 热轧酸洗板在汽车行业主要用途如下:Hot-dipped pickling board main application in auto industry as follows: 汽车底盘系统,...